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Recognizing the need and value for community-led efforts in identifying and responding to mental health and wellbeing needs in academic spaces, Student Health and Wellness is offering one-time mini-grants to UConn schools, departments and colleges to support the implementation of wellbeing programs in their area to serve their populations. This project is an opportunity for students, staff and faculty to connect on wellbeing issues.

The Student Health and Wellness Seed Grant program funds initiatives that enhance student wellbeing and community building to promote a thriving campus community. Student Health and Wellness encourages collaboration through the inclusion of student voices and/or student participation in program planning and/or implementation.

Applications for the grant are now open and will be accepted through November 18, 2022. Guidelines for applying for the grants, including eligibility and examples of wellbeing initiatives, are available in the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) below.

For more information about the grants, email Student Health and Wellness Health Promotion at

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Student Health and Wellness Seed Grant program?

UConn’s Student Health and Wellness applied for and obtained a grant from the state to support mental health services, resources, and initiatives at the university. The seed grant program is one of the initiatives that is being supported with these funds. Recognizing the need for community-led efforts in identifying and responding to mental health and wellbeing needs in academic spaces, Student Health and Wellness is offering one-time mini-grants to schools and colleges to support the implementation of programs in their area to serve their populations.

What is the eligibility criteria?

All UConn schools, departments, colleges and other academic spaces (e.g., First-Year Experience programs, UConn Library, advising offices, living-learning communities, and school- or college-based student organizations, etc.) are eligible for the Student Health and Wellness Seed Grants. Departments are encouraged to: 

  • Create a workgroup or committee of students and faculty or staff to brainstorm ideas and come up with collaborative proposals for initiatives that benefit members of their community/space. 
  • Involve students in the planning process and implementation of the proposal (Note: Student involvement is required).  
  • Consider ways to sustain the initiative beyond this initial grant.  

What types of initiatives can the grant be used for?

Each school, college, department or organization may have unique needs, so we encourage you to adopt a collaborative approach to identifying the needs and interventions that will be most beneficial for your students, faculty and staff. Some examples of initiatives to consider include:  

  • Stress-relief spaces 
  • Community-building programs and activities 
  • Speaker series around mental health and wellbeing

Note that these are only ideas. We encourage creativity in the range of initiatives and programs that can build community and support mental health and wellbeing in your area. 

How can my school/college/department or organization apply for this grant?

This is a state grant, so a brief application process is required. Applications for the grants are now open and will be accepted until funds are exhausted through the Fall 2022 Semester. To request funding, fill out the application form. The amount requested and an itemized budget including any venders being recommended should be submitted with the application. Student Health and Wellness will review and approve applications and inform grantees. 

How much funds can I request?

You can request up to $1,500 for each project. Your project or initiative can cost less or more than $1,500, but Student Health and Wellness can only support the initiative with funds up to the maximum allowable amount. Food is allowed to compliment your initiative but the total grant amount cannot be used on food alone.

However, Student Health and Wellness will consider the need for funds beyond the initial grant amount on a case-by-case basis. For projects that require more than $1,500 in grants, include an explanation in the application for why these extra funds are needed. 

What is the application deadline?

Grants will be awarded on a first-come, first-served basis through the Fall 2022 Semester with the deadline of November 18. Student Health and Wellness will review and approve applications.  

Initiatives should be implemented before the end of the 2022/2023 school year.  

What if we have to make changes to our budget after the application has been submitted?

If you discover that you need to make changes to your budget after the application has been submitted and prior to reimbursement, you will need to re-submit an updated budget outline for review and approval.

How will the funds be disbursed?

Grants will be awarded on a first-come, first-served basis. 

All receipts and invoices that coordinate with the approved budget should be attached and submitted with the project evaluation form

Is there anything else that we need to submit to get reimbursed? 

Yes. You are required to complete and submit a brief evaluation report about the program or initiative when requesting reimbursement.  

Who may we contact if we have questions?

Email Student Health and Wellness Health Promotion at 
