Our Allergy Clinic provides allergy immunotherapy injections to UConn Storrs campus students. Students who are already under the care of a private allergy physician may elect to receive their allergy injections on campus at Student Health and Wellness in the Hilda May Williams building. We collaborate with your allergist and take pride in offering a service that is flexible with your class schedule and helps you maintain your allergy immunotherapy regimen while on campus.
Allergy Clinic
- The allergy clinic is appointment based and operates during our regular business hours, throughout Fall and Spring semester.
- We do not perform allergy skin testing at SHaW, and we do not initiate treatment. You must receive your first allergy injection at your allergist’s office.
- Students must provide paperwork from their prescribing allergist to include: detailed dosage instructions and instructions for delayed or missed injections.
- Students must agree to Student Health and Wellness Allergy Clinic’s policies and procedures, which will be reviewed at the initial visit.
Allergy Serum
Allergy serum extracts may be stored at Student Health and Wellness.
If bringing your allergy serums to campus with you, you may bring them to your first appointment, or drop them off at the Allergy Clinic during normal business hours. Please be aware that allergy serums should be refrigerated, but not frozen.
We can accept mailed serums from your allergist if shipped Monday through Friday directly to our pharmacy. Please be aware that we do not accept allergy serums on weekends or holidays and we are not responsible for the integrity of the extract due to handling before we receive it.
Serums must be shipped overnight to the following address:
University of Connecticut
Student Health and Wellness Pharmacy
Hilda May Williams Building
234 Glenbrook Road, Unit 4011
Storrs, CT 06269-4011
It is the responsibility of the student to pick up their serums if leaving campus for break.
- Appointments for allergy injections may be scheduled by calling 860-486-4700. Appointments must be made at least 24 hours in advance and appointment times adhered to closely.
- Students are required to wait in the allergy clinic for 30 minutes after receiving an injection, and be evaluated by the allergy clinic nurse before leaving.
- Students must inform the allergy clinic staff of any changes to their health, medications, or delayed reactions at each visit.
- For general questions or inquiries regarding allergy injections, students may contact the Allergy Clinic directly at 860-486-0773.
- Services
- Immediate Care
- Alcohol, Other Substance Use & Support
- Allergy Clinic
- Fees & Insurance
- Immunizations
- Injury & Illness
- Lab Testing
- Mental Health
- Nutrition
- Overnight Care
- Pharmacy
- Physical Activity
- Preventive Care & Health Screening
- Radiology
- Recovery Support Services
- Sexual & Reproductive Health
- Sports Medicine
- Travel Medicine
- Wellness Coaching