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Training Modules

The training modules below were designed by UConn’s Student Health and Wellness in collaboration with faculty and staff members of the Academic Affairs Partnership Committee and with student input. The topics and content were developed based on best-practice standards and research on supporting students in academic spaces.  

Wellbeing at schools increases students’ quality of learning. A recent meta-analysis found a significant association between wellbeing and academic achievements (Kaya & Erdem, 2021).

Suggested Uses for the Modules

Learn at Your Own Pace

Watch the videos at your convenience, learn more about best practices and develop your approach to supporting your students’ wellbeing. Also, take note of additional wellbeing support resources and important contact information to be aware of.

Facilitate Discussions/Trainings:

For dialogue and training within departments and colleges (e.g., at staff meetings/retreats) to ensure that your faculty and staff are proactively prepared and empowered to address student wellbeing issues.

Onboard New Employees:

Share and include them as part of your new faculty/staff orientation/onboarding to build foundational skills related to student wellbeing as employees begin their new role.

Share With a Colleague:

Spread the word! As a member of UConn Nation, you can help promote a culture of health and wellbeing by sharing this resource with other faculty and academic support staff.

Coach Teaching Assistants:

Equip and empower your teaching assistants to create a culture that supports student wellbeing.

module 2

Responding to an Overwhelmed Student

Time to Watch: 3:34 minutes

Not sure how to respond to a student who seems stressed or overwhelmed? This module will guide you to effectively respond and offer support to a student navigating academic stress or other concerns. Also, learn about appropriate referral resources and next steps to follow.

module 2

Creating a Climate of Wellbeing in Academic Spaces

Time to Watch: 3 minutes

Faculty members genuinely care about their students’ wellbeing, but do you know how your students perceive and receive your demonstration of support? Learn what UConn students consider to be helpful ways to offer support for their wellbeing and academic success.

What other scenarios and topics would you like to see covered here? Share your feedback and suggest topics for other trainings to equip faculty and academic support staff in being student wellbeing advocates.

Identifying and Responding to Signs of Student Distress

Time to Watch: 3:20 minutes

In this module, you will learn how to recognize red flags that may be cause for concern. You will also be guided on how to intervene and offer immediate support, how to engage in conversation starters with a student who is exhibiting signs of distress or crisis, available resources.

signs of distress
