Daveon McMullen, Psy.D

Assistant Director, Training/Director, Multicultural Training Program

B.A. in Psychology, James Madison University
Psy.D. in Clinical Psychology, University of Hartford

Professional Interests:
Sexual Violence Treatment & Prevention, Multicultural Counseling, Training, Supervision & Outreach, Group psychotherapy, Concerns related to Family of Origin, Identity, and Relationships

Therapeutic Approach:
Based on my experiences from working in various treatment settings (e.g., hospitals, prisons, colleges and universities), I have come to view psychotherapy as an honest and collaborative effort to achieve personal growth and change marked by accountability. I utilize psychodynamic, object relations, client centered, feminist, and relational-cultural frameworks to guide my work and strive to recognize the role of sociopolitical contexts as they relate to students’ presenting concerns.

Language(s) Spoken: English

Pronouns: He/Him/His

Devon McMullen
Contact Information
Office LocationArjona 4th Floor