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Recovery Support Services

Student Health and Wellness believes in the transformative power of recovery. We provide recovery support services to students in or seeking recovery from substance use disorders and/other other mental and behavioral health disorders. This includes one on one recovery coaching, peer all recovery meetings, friends and family recovery meetings, and a wide array of social and service opportunities. In addition, we support and advocate for the continued growth, expansion, and accessibility of collegiate recovery through our recovery-friendly campus initiative. Recovery is a process of change through which individuals improve their health and wellness, live self-directed lives, and strive to reach their full potential. (SAMHSA)

UConn Recovery Community

The UConn Recovery Community (URC) is UConn's collegiate recovery program or CRP. A CRP is a College or University-provided, supportive environment within the campus culture that reinforces the decision to engage in a lifestyle of recovery from substance use. It is designed to provide educational opportunities alongside recovery support to ensure that students do not have to sacrifice one for the other. The mission of the UConn Recovery Community is to provide a supportive community where students in recovery, and in hope of recovery, from substance use disorders and other mental and behavioral health disorders can achieve academic success while participating in a genuine college experience.

Connect with the URC


Join the URC Mailing List

UConn Recovery Community Center

We have a beautiful house on campus at 1332 Storrs Road  that provides an opportunity for students in recovery to access a substance free space for formal and informal programming. The house also provides a space for studying, meditation, gaming, art, and a private room for telehealth appointments. Learn more about the Recovery Community Center featured in a recent UConn Today article.


Check the SHaW Programs and Events page for any last-minute changes to this schedule.

Live Schedule:,image/date_format/%25F%20%25j,%20%25Y/group/Student Health and Wellness/tag/uconn recovery community/start_date/today/end_date/6 months/
Monday, March 24
4:00pm - 5:00pm
Cordial Storrs House
Wednesday, March 26
6:00pm - 7:00pm
Cordial Storrs House
Friday, March 28
5:00pm - 6:00pm
Cordial Storrs House
Monday, March 31
4:00pm - 5:00pm
Cordial Storrs House
Wednesday, April 2
6:00pm - 7:00pm
Cordial Storrs House
Friday, April 4
5:00pm - 6:00pm
Cordial Storrs House
Monday, April 7
4:00pm - 5:00pm
Cordial Storrs House
Wednesday, April 9
6:00pm - 7:00pm
Cordial Storrs House
Friday, April 11
5:00pm - 6:00pm
Cordial Storrs House
Monday, April 14
4:00pm - 5:00pm
Cordial Storrs House
Wednesday, April 16
6:00pm - 7:00pm
Cordial Storrs House
Friday, April 18
5:00pm - 6:00pm
Cordial Storrs House
Monday, April 21
4:00pm - 5:00pm
Cordial Storrs House
Wednesday, April 23
6:00pm - 7:00pm
Cordial Storrs House
Friday, April 25
5:00pm - 6:00pm
Cordial Storrs House
Wednesday, April 30
6:00pm - 7:00pm
Cordial Storrs House
Friday, May 2
5:00pm - 6:00pm
Cordial Storrs House
Wednesday, May 7
6:00pm - 7:00pm
Cordial Storrs House
Friday, May 9
5:00pm - 6:00pm
Cordial Storrs House

Recovery & Well-Being Coaching

Recovery coaches are available for one-on-one support for students with active addictions or in recovery from substance misuse and/or other mental and behavioral health disorders. Recovery coaches are not therapists. Recovery coaches are trained in the art of recovery coaching and will partner with students on an individual wellness plan. In addition, they will connect students with resources on and off campus to meet those goals.

Sessions: An initial session is held with one of our Health Promotion Managers, followed by bi-weekly or monthly sessions with a trained recovery coach. In person or virtual session are available for students at our Storrs campus. Virtual session are available to students at our regional campuses. Recovery Coaching drop-in hours are listed on the SHaW Events Calendar.

Fees: There is no fee for recovery coaching.

Recovery Coaching

Scheduling or Questions:

All Recovery Meetings

All Recovery Meetings are available for UConn students. The meetings are a gathering for all who struggle with substance use and/or other mental and behavioral health disorders. An All Recovery meeting is 'non-denominational' meaning all pathways of recovery are embraced here. A universal recovery topic is chosen and then the group discusses it. It is not affiliated with any "Anonymous" program although you are likely to hear comments associated with 12 step fellowships. Meetings are facilitated by a student member of the URC with support from a Recovery Coach and are held both in-person and online for students from other UConn campuses. 

All Recovery Meetings

Fridays 5 - 6 pm

Online Participants


12 Step Recovery Meetings

12 Step Recovery Meetings are available for UConn students.  The 12 Steps are guiding principles that outline how to overcome addiction, avoid triggers and live a healthy, productive life. The meetings are a gathering space primarily for students in, or seeking, recovery from substances, but is also open to students living with other addictive behaviors. Meetings are facilitated by a student member of the URC with support from a Recovery Coach and are held both in-person and online for students from other UConn campuses. 

12 Step Recovery Meetings

Wednesdays 6 - 7 pm

Online Participants


SMART Recovery Meeting

SMART (Self Management and Recovery Training) Recovery Meetings are open to UConn students. SMART Recovery is an evidence-informed recovery method that supports people with substance dependencies and other addictive or problem behaviors to build and maintain motivation; cope with urges and cravings; manage thoughts, feelings and behaviors; and live a balanced life. The meetings are discussion-based and rely heavily on mutual support, recognizing there is great value in connecting with and learning from peers with similar experiences.  Meetings are facilitated by a student member of the URC with support from URC staff. Currently meetings are only held in-person as we are in the pilot phase of implementation at the Storrs campus.

SMART Recovery Meeting

Monday 4 - 5 pm


Recovery Ally Training

Open to any student, faculty, or staff, the Recovery Ally Training program exists to expand awareness, sensitivity, and support to any individual on the University of Connecticut campuses in (or seeking) recovery from substance use disorders, and other mental and behavioral health disorders. Recovery Ally
Training is delivered in an interactive two-hour session, facilitated by a member of our team or a trained community member. UConn's School of Social Work offers 2 hours of continuing education credits to participants who complete the training.

Recovery Ally Training

Attend an upcoming session:
Register Now


Wellness Living Community Housing with Substance Free Accommodations

Student Health and Wellness offers recovery support services via the UConn Recovery Community (URC) program. In partnership with Residential Life, substance free housing is available and provides an environment that is supportive to students in recovery from substance use disorders. Students in substance free housing commit to living free from alcohol and non-prescribed drugs. The UConn Recovery Community and Substance Free housing provide support through community building, social support, academic support, substance free activities, advocacy, outreach, and creating greater opportunities to access resources and services available on campus. Students live in this community for a myriad of reasons: to support academic achievement, for religious or cultural beliefs, for health and wellness needs, and the list goes on. It is important to understand your motivation for choosing this housing option to commit to maintaining an environment that is substance free.

Substance free housing is not available for first year students unless they are a student in recovery from a substance use disorder and apply for membership with the UConn Recovery Community first. The URC staff will facilitate an exception on behalf of first year students with Residential Life once membership is completed. Students in recovery that are members of the UConn Recovery Community will have priority access to substance free housing on a space available basis.

If you are a student in recovery and wish to live in substance free housing, e-mail to begin the membership process. In addition, indicate interest in substance free living on your Residential Life Housing Application.

Substance Free Housing


Building Recovery Friendly Communities

What makes a college campus recovery-friendly? Are there tools that would help Connecticut campuses of all sizes foster an environment where students are comfortable asking for help instead of feeling stigmatized? Students, staff, and faculty from colleges across Connecticut gathered on April 8, 2022 to discuss how we can evolve our campuses to be increasingly supportive of students in recovery from addiction and/or other mental health and behavioral disorders. The initiative has been endorsed by the CT Alcohol and Drug Policy Council and received funding via the CT Healthy Campus Initiative. Take a look at the highlights of this special event.

Building Recovery Friendly Communities

Register Here

For more info, visit SHaW's Events Page

Scholarships & Donations

John Carter Whitney Scholarship for Students in Recovery

The John Carter Whitney Scholarship for Students in Recovery was established in 2015 for students in recovery at the University of Connecticut who participate in the UConn Recovery Community.

Make a Donation

URC Giving Fund

Gifts to this fund support the education, prevention and intervention activities of the UConn Recovery
Community program.

Make a Donation

Art Woodard Recovery Coach Professional Scholarship

Art Woodard, a UConn alum was dedicated to developing recovery coaches. The Connecticut Community for Addiction Recovery (CCAR) is providing five scholarships annually to UConn students to pursue their Recovery Coach Professional designation in his honor.

More Info

Additional Resources

Alcoholics Anonymous
Sharing strength, hope, and experience for individuals who are working towards sobriety from alcohol or individuals who are in recovery from alcohol use. Membership is open to anyone who has a desire to stop drinking.

American Society of Addiction Medicine
Leading the movement to transform America's addiction treatment infrastructure and expand access to research-validated, results-based care.

Association of Recovery in Higher Education (ARHE)
The Association of Recovery in Higher Education (ARHE) is the only association exclusively representing collegiate recovery programs (CRPs) and collegiate recovery communities (CRCs), the faculty and staff who support them, and the students who represent them. ARHE provides the education, resources, and community connection needed to help change the trajectory of recovering student’s lives. We are a network of professionals, administrators, faculty, staff, students, parents and policy makers.

CT Community for Addiction Recovery (CCAR)
Whether you are contemplating a life in recovery, are new to recovery, or are in long term recovery, CCAR is here to help you to navigate the recovery community, by connecting you with others in recovery and providing access to area support services.

CT State Conference of Young People in AA (CSCYPAA)
The purpose of CSCYPAA is to carry the AA message of recovery, unity, and service to a vast number of members, and to encourage young people in AA to become actively involved in service, as well as acquaint the members of the fellowship with all activities available to them throughout the area.

Eating Disorder Resources
Contact the NEDA Helpline for support, resources, and treatment options for yourself or a loved one who is struggling with an eating disorder.

Drug Free CT
Are you seeking various treatment options?
Find various treatment resources, including in-patient and outpatient programs.

In the Rooms
A global recovery community found online, allowing individuals to access meetings 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Individuals can choose from a variety of meetings that best suit their needs.

Marijuana Anonymous
A community-based organization that offers recovery from the effects of addiction through a 12-step program. Provides an ongoing support network for individuals with an addiction to drugs and individuals who want to maintain a drug-free lifestyle.

Narcotics Anonymous
A community-based organization that offers recovery from the effects of addiction through a 12-step program. Provides an ongoing support network for individuals with an addiction to drugs and individuals who want to maintain a drug-free lifestyle.

Ohio State University Higher Education Center for Alcohol and Drug Misuse Prevention and Recovery
It is the mission of the Higher Education Center for Alcohol and Drug Misuse Prevention and Recovery, in partnership with the nation’s colleges and universities, to promote student success nationally by providing data-driven solutions to alcohol and drug misuse; lead the dialogue on collegiate alcohol and drug misuse and recovery in the national agenda; and ensure the long-term sustainability and effectiveness of the Center’s efforts.

SMART Recovery 4-Point Program – Alternative to AA
Are you looking for a program without a higher power?
SMART Recovery is a global community of people and families working together to resolve addictive problems. Participants learn from one another using a self-empowering approach based on the most current science of recovery.

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)
Find various treatment resources.

Young Adult Resources:


Friends of Recovery Support

Recovery coaches are available for one-one-one support for UConn individuals who have loved ones with active addictions or who are in recovery from substance misuse and/or other mental and behavioral health disorders.  Recovery coaches are not therapists. Recovery coaches are trained in the art of recovery coaching.  Recovery Coaching drop-in hours are listed on the SHaW Events Calendar.

Friends of Recovery Support

Recovery Coaching drop-in hours:
Visit: SHaW Events Calendar


Recovery Yoga

Recovery Yoga is available for all UConn students. These sessions are for those who struggle with substance use and/or other mental and behavioral health disorders, are affected by a loved one's disorder addiction, and/or support the recovery lifestyle. It combines trusted recovery meeting formats combined with pranayama breathing and vinyasa yoga. Sessions are held at UConn's REC Center in the Mind/Body Studio. Attendees must have swipe access to UConn REC and register for the class prior to arrival.

Recovery Yoga Classes:

SHaW Events Calendar

SHaW Yoga