Resources to Support Student Wellbeing
Similar to national statistics, more than 80 percent of UConn students indicated that their mental health had negatively impacted their academic performance (Healthy Minds, 2020).
These resources were created to support our faculty and staff in building both capacity and confidence in cultivating wellbeing. Faculty members are often the first to notice when students are struggling, and frequently are the first point of contact for students in distress. Here, you will find best practices and resources to foster student wellbeing in UConn’s learning environments. In addition, consultation is available through SHaW at 860-486-4700.

The Red Folder
The Red Folder is a resource to help faculty and staff recognize, respond to, and refer students in distress. It contains important tips and information about campus and community resources to support UConn students.

Brief Trainings to Support Student Wellbeing
Time to Complete: under 5 minutesIdentifying the need to equip faculty and academic support staff, Student Health and Wellness collaborated with the Academic Affairs Partnership Committee to develop these training modules. Input was provided by faculty members, academic advisors and students.

Ask. Listen. Refer.
Time to Complete: 20 minutes
An online suicide prevention training program to help you recognize and respond to people at risk.

Kognito: Supporting Students In Distress
Time to Complete: 40 minutes
This interactive simulated training allows faculty, staff and students to practice having important and life-saving conversations with students who are experiencing distress.