Resources for Students Transported to the Hospital Due to Alcohol or Other Drug Intoxication
The University of Connecticut prioritizes the health and safety of each student in our community. When a student is intoxicated and at-risk for alcohol poisoning or an other drug-related medical concern, they may be evaluated by Emergency Medical Services (EMS). After a comprehensive assessment, EMS may determine that a student requires additional medical care and facilitate their transport to a nearby hospital.
Being transported to the hospital, regardless of the cause, can be an emotional experience. When the transport results from alcohol or other drug use, students can additionally be left with questions about what happened and how they might make changes to prevent future transports.
Huskies grow stronger by leveraging the resources available to them. If you were recently transported, a UConn staff member will be reaching out to you. In the meantime, we hope this page offers information to support you in taking your next steps.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
How do I get back to campus?
- While the university doesn’t provide transportation back to campus, there are several options available to you. Most students transported for intoxication are taken to Windham Hospital, located at 112 Mansfield Ave, Windham, CT 06226. For information on public transit services between Windham Hospital and campus, please visit UConn’s Transportation Services page.
- Some students also choose to utilize ride-sharing services such as Uber or Lyft. The UConn Storrs campus is large, so your specific destination address will depend on your campus residence. You may find the campus map helpful.
- If you have a friend or family member who can pick you up, that may be a convenient option—just make sure your ride is sober!
Why was I transported to the hospital?
- The evaluation by the Emergency Medical Services crew that responded to the emergency call showed that you met the criteria set forth by the State of Connecticut Department of Public Health Office of Emergency Services in the Statewide Emergency Medical Services Protocols.
Who will contact me next?
- Residential Life and Student Health and Wellness (SHaW) are two departments that connect with students after they are transported. Their focus is on your health/wellness and connecting you to resources. It is extremely important that you are responsive to their outreach.
Will I get in trouble for getting transported?
- The University’s focus will be on health, wellness, safety, and connecting you to resources.Transported students are typically not referred to the University’s campus conduct process, unless there are other Student Code violations apparent (ie. destruction to the University community, assault, or property damage).
Will my parents/family find out I was transported?
- The university encourages students to have open conversations with their family about any challenges they might be experiencing, including alcohol or other drug-related transports.
- At UConn, a student’s parents/family are not typically notified when a student is transported to the hospital for alcohol or other drug intoxication. However, if the student's condition is critical or life-threatening, the university may attempt to notify the student’s parents or guardians in accordance with specific departmental emergency notification policies and procedures.
- Medical records, including those maintained by Emergency Medical Services (EMS) and the medical care team at Student Health and Wellness, are confidential records and cannot be released without a student’s written consent.
- There are times when non-medical staff at UConn (for example, staff in Residential Life) document an incident in the context of their professional duties; these non-clinical records are protected under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). More information about FERPA can be found here.
- Last, while these protections through the university may offer you privacy, it’s important to be aware that if your parent/family member is the primary subscriber on the insurance plan under which you’re covered, it’s likely that they’ll receive an Explanation of Benefits (EOB) and associated bills for any medical care you receive. Through these means, parents/family do sometimes learn of a student’s transport, which is again why it may be helpful to have an open conversation with your family about your incident.
I have a medical bill from being transported and I’m concerned about my ability to pay for it. Are there any resources available to help?
- Should a student require emergency transport, UConn Fire Department (UCFD) is the campus EMS provider and, in most cases, students are usually taken by UCFD ambulance to Windham Hospital, about 10 miles from campus. Billing for services there may be from Hartford Healthcare, Northeast Emergency Medicine Specialists and/or Jefferson Radiology. For more information about managing bills generated by Windham Hospital, please see their Financial Assistance page.
- Even if a charge didn’t originate from UConn, Student Health and Wellness staff members are happy to help you interpret what’s listed in a bill you receive and point you to what you may need to do next. For assistance, please contact the Student Health and Wellness Business Services Teamat 860-486-9239 or
Have additional questions or looking for more support? You may find the following campus resources helpful.
- Services
- Immediate Care
- Alcohol, Other Substance Use & Support
- Allergy Clinic
- Fees & Insurance
- Immunizations
- Injury & Illness
- Lab Testing
- Mental Health
- Nutrition
- Overnight Care
- Pharmacy
- Physical Activity
- Preventive Care & Health Screening
- Radiology
- Recovery Support Services
- Sexual & Reproductive Health
- Sports Medicine
- Travel Medicine
- Wellness Coaching